Saturday, May 22, 2010

Review: Sergeant Zero

I don't like comics. I don't generally read comics. The closest I probably ever got beofore Sergeant Zero was Manga which for you diehard comic bookers is probably an insult but when Anthony (aka @Pulptone on twitter) told me he was writing a comic book series I wanted to do my best to support him. And shoot, the first issue of Sergeant Zero can be bought on a nifty little app for your i/Phone/Pod/Pad as well as the traditional printed format.

Here's a quick summary.

Back from the War, Joe Sinclair struggles to survive in the bowels of Century City coping with near-superhuman memories he doesn’t remember living. Is he losing his mind or is he something more? Forged from a past now lost, his memory used for an inner fire, Sergeant Zero is a soldier few remember and most have forgotten…including himself.

I dropped the money for it and was not disappointed. It was gritty, very well written, wonderfully illustrated, and definitely left me wanting more.

I've already got money set aside of the next couple issues and eagerly look forward to their release.

For more info about Pulptone, Sergeant Zero, and its author Anthony Schiavino check out the links listed below.

official website.:
Pulptone website for comic and tv show reviews:
Twitter: @pulptone

Anthony might have made a comic book fan of me yet. Read Sergeant Zero. That is all.

MJ Slide


  1. Thanks for posting the review! Really glad you liked the comic. I'm going to post the photo over on the Facebook page.

  2. Glad I could do it. Looking forward to the next issue. :)

  3. While I enjoy the depth books give me I do enjoy a really good comic book~or graphic novel~every now and then. This sounds like an interesting one!
