Monday, October 25, 2010

More Then just a Movie

My desire from the very get-go of embarking on this journey of writing and directing "THE SAVING" was I sincerely wanted this film to be about more then just two characters and their struggles. I wanted it to step beyond that, to grab the audience by their heads and their hearts, not only making them think but motivating them to act.  Film is such a powerful medium and can effect people in a deeply personal way. THE SAVING has already wholly changed my life and I'm pretty sure its safe to say its also changed Stephanie's. lesser words, I got my wish. THE SAVING has stepped beyond MJ Slide & Co. and its pretty much the coolest feeling ever. All thanks to the awesome folks over at I stumbled upon this website a few months ago right before THE SAVING went into Principle Photography and its been on my radar ever since. Reach Out is a website designed specifically as a safe haven for teens and young adults to find people who understand the tough situations in life they're going through. A place where one can open up and not worry about the judgmental eyes, ears, and mouths of those who wear their ignorance and malice on their sleeves or simply just don't  give a flip. One of their central focuses is dealing with heart wrenching rate of teen suicide in this modern day and age. Its more then just a number but the number in itself is staggering. From ages 14-25 the third leading cause of death is suicide.

Get "THE FACTS" here. Ignorance can no longer be our excuse. 

We must do our part to make a difference and that's exactly what myself and the cast and crew of THE SAVING plan on doing. I decided after much consideration that as a key bonus feature on THE SAVING DVD my team and I are were going to put together a documentary short film companion piece about teen suicide in the United States, covering all the angles. Those who have lost loves ones, considered suicide themselves, survived suicide attempts and those on the forefront, the families, counselors, psychologists and best friends who are fighting back, lighting up the darkness.

You can learn more about the the documentary below in the my latest vlog and what you can do to help support both this endeavor and all of those who are partnering together to raise awareness about teen suicide in their communities and all over the US and the world.


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